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Use Semi Bold font in commit details subject line

Jeff Fortin requested to merge jfft/gitg:bold_commit_subject_title_labels into master

This allows clearly differentiating between the subject line and body.

Using Semi Bold (600) weight also makes it easier to see the subject among the rest of the UI, without overpowering it, unlike Bold (700).

Before After
commit_details_subject_line_-before-_light commit_details_subject_line_-after-_light
commit_details_subject_line_-before-_dark commit_details_subject_line_-after-_dark

I saw existing CSS for title-label and subject-label, but it was in a different part of the UI (committing submodules) that I've never seen / don't have access to, and I didn't want to mess with it, as maybe the full Bold there is relevant over there, compared to the subtlety of Semi Bold necessary in the main UI view.

Thanks to @TheEvilSkeleton for helping me figure out how to attach the CSS to this.

This fixes issue #443 (closed).

Edited by Jeff Fortin

Merge request reports