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  • Jehan's avatar
    app, libgimp*: more GeglColor's space invasion. · 559297a5
    Jehan authored
    - New function gimp_cairo_set_source_color() which is meant to replace
      gimp_cairo_set_source_rgb(a?)() eventually. This new function sets the Cairo
      source color, using the target monitor's profile of the widget where the Cairo
      surface is meant to be drawn on. It also uses the color management settings
      (such as whether a custom profile was set, instead of using system profile, or
      also simply whether color management was disabled at all). It doesn't
      soft-proof the color yet.
    - Padding and out-of-gamut colors drawing now use the new
      gimp_cairo_set_source_color(). These don't need any soft-proofing anyway.
    - Out-of-gamut color property in GimpColorConfig is now a GeglColor property.