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  • Jehan's avatar
    app, libgimp: new GimpChoice procedure argument. · 4163a29a
    Jehan authored
    These will replace the int arguments used in place of enums. The problem of int
    arguments used as list of choices is that it makes calling PDB functions very
    opaque. This is especially bad when a list is long, so you constantly have to
    refer to the documentation to understand what a series of numbers mean in
    argument lists.
    And the second issue is that plug-in developers have to manually maintain a list
    of values both in the GUI and in the documentation string. This help text may
    get out-of-sync, may end up with missing values or whatnot. Also if it is used
    as tooltips, it makes for very weird tooltips in the graphical interface, with
    an overlong technical list of int-values mapping which should ideally only be
    made visible in the PDB procedure browser listing.