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  • Ell's avatar
    app: refactor gimppaintcore-loops to coalesce iteration · f2a1fd5b
    Ell authored
    The gimppaintcore-loops functions perform very little actual
    computational work (in case of do_layer_blend(), at least for
    simple blend modes), which makes the cost of buffer iteration, and
    memory bandwidth, nonnegligible factors.  Since these functions are
    usually called in succession, acessing the same region of the same
    buffers, using the same foramts, coalescing them into a single
    function, which performs all the necessary processing in a single
    step, can improve performance when these functions are the
    Add a gimp_paint_core_loops_process() function, which does just
    that: it takes a set of algorithms to run, and a set of parameters,
    and performs all of them in one go.  The individual functions are
    kept for convenience, but are merely wrappers around
    Be warned: the implementation uses unholy C++ from outer space, in
    order to make this (sort of) managable.  See the comments for more