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  • BST 1999  Austin Donnelly's avatar
    app/brush_select.c app/brush_select.h app/pattern_select.c delay the popup · e789291f
    BST 1999 Austin Donnelly authored
    Sat May  1 22:18:55 BST 1999  Austin Donnelly  <>
    	* app/brush_select.c
    	* app/brush_select.h
    	* app/pattern_select.c
    	* app/pattern_select.h: delay the popup of pattern and brush
     	    preview window by 150 millisecs.  Allows flicker-free
     	    selection of brushes/patterns, and still have fast pattern
     	    preview like we used to.  Ideally, should really factor out
     	    the common code in these two files into one generic picker
    	* app/free_select.c: cosmetic whitespace change.
    	* app/draw_core.c: use GDK_CAP_NOT_LAST, not GDK_CAP_BUTT,
     	    otherwise sequential line segments in XOR mode have
     	    single-pixel gaps between them.  Worse, if the segments are
     	    only one pixel long, you don't get _any_ lines.  XFree86 seems
     	    to ignore GDK_CAP_BUTT, which is why this bug hasn't been seen
     	    before.  NCD X servers comply with the spec a little more
     	    pedantically, so need GDK_CAP_NOT_L...