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  • Jehan's avatar
    plug-ins: fix comment explaining cairo_save(). · e2d1a57e
    Jehan authored
    Current comment was implying that PDF had some kind of fixed PPI, or
    that a 72 PPI was hardcoded in cairo. This is not at all what this is
    about. Cairo simply has a concept of user-space coordinates, and from
    what I gather, it seems that this is set as "point", the typographical
    unit of measure (not as a screen point). In such context, cairo_scale()
    is used to update the transformation matrix (which will transform from
    user to device units, i.e. pixels) so that we can draw with pixels. In
    other words, both the user and device units will be pixels in subsequent
    It turns out that 1 inch == 72 points. This is not a PPI/DPI at all and
    the comment was completely misleading.