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  • BST 1999 Andy Thomas's avatar
    app/nav_window.c app/nav_window.h app/gimppreviewcache.h app/layer.c · df7ad092
    BST 1999 Andy Thomas authored
    Fri Aug 27 18:57:50 BST 1999 Andy Thomas <>
    	* app/nav_window.c
    	* app/nav_window.h
    	* app/gimppreviewcache.h
    	* app/layer.c
    	* app/channel.c
    	* app/commands.c
    	Added some controls to the nav window. Yep. I know that the
    	buttons are toooo biGGG.
    	Preview cache changes. Now prime preview cache with a image
    	so that later we have a better chance of a hit. Still
    	needs to be more intelligent at doing this (needs to pick largest
    	out of the cache & use its size as the size to prime with).
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