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  • Sven Neumann's avatar
    use GIMP_STOCK_WEB for "file-open-location". · d95059db
    Sven Neumann authored
    2004-07-17  Sven Neumann  <>
    	* app/actions/file-actions.c (file_actions): use GIMP_STOCK_WEB
    	for "file-open-location".
    	* app/widgets/gimpfiledialog.c: create the scrolled window with
    	shadow_type GTK_SHADOW_IN.
    	* app/widgets/gimpfileprocview.c (gimp_file_proc_view_new): skip
    	procedures that register a prefix (the URL loader).
    	* app/widgets/gimphelp-ids.h: removed help IDs that used to be
    	used from the file-open and file-save menus.
    	* plug-ins/common/xwd.c (query): "X window dump" seems to be more
    	appropriate than "X window image".