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  • Ell's avatar
    app: don't allow transforming invisible layers in flip/measure tools · d670edb3
    Ell authored
    Split gimp_transform_tool_get_active_item() into two functions:
    gimp_transform_tool_get_active_item(), which returns the item
    without checking for errors, and
    gimp_transform_tool_check_active_item(), which returns the active
    item while checking for errors.  Adapt the rest of the code to the
    Remove the invisible_layer_ok parameter of
    gimp_transform_tool_check_active_item(), and always return an error
    when the active layer is invisible.  This causes the flip and
    measure tools to correctly reject invisible layers.  Un-hide the
    active item in GimpTransformGridTool before transforming, to avoid
    rejecting layers that were hidden by the tool.
    (cherry picked from commit 360b25b9)