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  • Ell's avatar
    app: add persistent handle selection to GimpToolLine · d4cb1623
    Ell authored
    En route to on-canvas gradient editing, add support for persistent
    handle selection to GimpToolLine (a handle being either an endpoint
    or a slider).  Handles are selected through clicking, however,
    unlike before, the selection persists after the mouse is released.
    A new "selection" property specifies the currently-selected handle
    (who knows, maybe in the future we'll add multi-selection), and a
    new "selection-changed" signal is emitted when the selection changes.
    The visual feedback has been changed to better suit the new behavior,
    and the behaviors yet to be added:  The selected handle is marked
    using highlighting; the highlighting doesn't change while hovering
    over other handles.  Only the hit-test circle is used as hover
    indication, however, we use a fixed-size circle, and only show the
    circle for the currently hovered-over handle -- no more trippy
    expanding circles :)
    A few minor changes along the way:
      - The selected handle is now the (first) one that's closest to the
        cursor, instead of the first one to pass hit-testing.
      - We don't move the selectd handle upon button-press, only upon
        motion, so that handles can be selected without moving them.
      - Show a MOVE cursor modifier when hovering over a handle.