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  • Ell's avatar
    libgimpbase, app: add abbreviations to gradient enums · d3e527a9
    Ell authored
    The value descriptions of GimpGradientColor,
    GimpGradientSegmentColor, and GimpGradientSegmentType enums appear
    in the on-canvas gradient editor UI, as combo-box items in the tool
    GUI overlay.  Since we want to keep the overlay as small as
    possible, we previously used abbreviations for these descriptions
    (e.g., "FG (t)", instead of "Foreground (transparent)").
    Replace the abbreviated descriptions with unabbreviated ones, and
    move the abbreviations to the "abbrev" parameter.  This way we get
    the abbreviated version in the combo-box, and the full version in
    the combo-box's menu.