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  • Ell's avatar
    app: restore font list in async callback, not async-set notify handler · 0e19f159
    Ell authored
    When font loading is finished, restore the font list in the
    corresponding async completion callback, and not in the
    "notify::empty" signal handler of the fonts async set
    This solves a problem arising when gimp_fonts_wait() is called
    *inside* a "notify::empty" signal handler, emitted when reloading
    fonts (causing the "empty" property of the fonts async set to
    switch from TRUE to FALSE):  When the wait is over, "empty" will
    switch back from FALSE to TRUE, however, since the "notify" signal
    is non-recursive, the corresponding handler will not be called,
    gimp_fonts_wait() will return *before* the font list is restored,
    and the caller will see an empty font list.  This can happen under
    certain circumstances when reloading fonts while the text tool is