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  • Helvetix Victorinox's avatar
    regnerated · c86d82f0
    Helvetix Victorinox authored
    * app/composite/gimp-composite-{mmx,sse,altivec,vis}-{installer,test}.c:
    * app/composite/gimp-composite-sse.c
      (gimp_composite_overlay_rgba8_rgba8_rgba8_sse): fixed (rewrote)
    * app/composite/
      command line option --iterations to set the number of iterations for a test.
      command line option --n_ixels to set the number of pixels for a test.
    * app/composite/gimp-composite-mmx.c
      (gimp_composite_grain_merge_rgba8_rgba8_rgba8_mmx): fixed (rewrote)
      (gimp_composite_overlay_rgba8_rgba8_rgba8_mmx): fixed (rewrote)
    	  new testing shows it to be broken (temporarily removed from use)