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  • Ell's avatar
    app: add GimpLayerModeContext enum · c3d2f57e
    Ell authored
    A bitmask, specifying in which contexts a layer mode is applicable.
    Can be a combination of:
      - LAYER: usable as a layer mode for actual layers.
      - GROUP: usable as a layer mode for layer groups.  Currently, all
        modes that specify LAYER also specify GROUP, and vice versa,
        but the planned pass-through mode will be GROUP only.
      - PAINT: can be used as a paint mode.
      - FADE: can be used for fading.
    Add a 'context' field to _GimpLayerModeInfo, and provide context
    masks to all the modes.
    Use the context mask for validation when setting a layer's mode.
    The next commit will use the mask when populating the layer mode