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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    added GimpUIManagerSetupFunc typedef. · bb0f359a
    Michael Natterer authored
    2004-04-26  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* app/widgets/widgets-types.h: added GimpUIManagerSetupFunc typedef.
    	* app/widgets/gimpuimanager.[ch]: added the setup_func to the
    	GimpUIManagerUIEntry struct and to gimp_ui_manager_ui_register().
    	Call the setup_func after creating the UI. Replaced the term
    	"identifier" by "ui_path".
    	* app/widgets/gimpmenufactory.c: ditto.
    	* app/gui/menus.c (menus_init): register the new setup_funcs below.
    	* app/gui/menus.[ch] (menus_open_recent_add)
    	* app/gui/image-menu.[ch] (image_menu_setup2)
    	* app/gui/toolbox-menu.[ch] (toolbox_menu_setup2): new setup_funcs
    	which add the "Open Recent" menu items.
    	* app/actions/file-actions.c: removed "file-open-recent-empty"
    	action because it's not needed.
    	* menus/image-menu.xml
    	* menus/toolbox-menu.xml: removed "file-open-recent-empty" menu
    	items and added <placeholder>s for the "Open Recent" menu items.
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