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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    app/appenums.h app/core/core-types.h moved some more types to core-types.h · b86ce96a
    Michael Natterer authored
    2001-05-13  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* app/appenums.h
    	* app/core/core-types.h
    	* app/tools/tools-types.h: moved some more types to core-types.h
    	and tools-types.h.  Removed AUXILLARY_CHANNEL from the ChannelType
    	* app/gdisplay.[ch]: removed the "depth" and "color_type" fields
    	from the struct. Cleaned up the header.
    	* app/selection.c
    	* app/gui/info-window.c: use g_visual->depth instead of
    	* app/gimphelp.c: #include "core/core-types.h"
    	* tools/pdbgen/ added app/core/core-types.h to the
    	list of files to be scanned for enums.
    	* libgimp/gimpenums.h
    	* plug-ins/script-fu/script-fu-constants.c
    	* tools/pdbgen/
    	* app/pdb/drawable_cmds.c
    	* app/pdb/image_cmds.c
    	* app/pdb/layer_cmds.c: regenerated.