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  • Ell's avatar
    app: calculate bounding box of group layers · ad1f3d20
    Ell authored
    In GimpGroupLayer, when recalculating the group's size as a result
    of a change to one of the child layers (now including in response
    to a child layer's GimpDrawable::bounding-box-changed signal),
    calculate the group's bounding box (the bounding box of all its
    child layers' bounding boxes) alongside its logical bounds.  Like
    in GimpLayer, use the logical bounds as the bounding box if the
    group has a mask.
    This bounding box is passed to the group's projection, via
    GimpGroupLayer's GimpProjectable::get_bounding_box()
    implementation, resulting in a buffer whose extent is the same as
    the bounding box.