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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    app: consolidate all metadata syncing code into gimpimage-metadata.c · b9829edd
    Michael Natterer authored
    Add gimp_image_metadata_update_pixel_size(), _bits_per_sample(),
    _resolution() and use them from gimp_image_set_metadata() and from
    various places in gimpimage.c which had identical copies of the same
    Also add gimp_image_metadata_update_colorspace() which syncs the color
    space stored in the image's metadata with the color space of the
    image's actual color profile. Call the function from the right places.
    The body of gimp_image_metadata_update_colorspace() is currently
    disabled because the syncing of color space information is
    controversial, see issue ##3532 and issue #301.