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  • Jehan's avatar
    Issue 2949: Newly Installed Fonts not Registering. · 88f97aed
    Jehan authored
    Apparently Microsoft added just recently the feature to install user
    font (as opposed to system-wide fonts), without administration rights
    (yes, only now, how crazy is that?). Right now GIMP does not see fonts
    We have an upstream report at fontconfig where such a default search
    path should happen.
    Until it gets fixed there, let's just add the user fonts dir ourselves
    in GIMP. This code should get killed later.
    - I renamed various DEFAULT_* data macros to GIMP_DEFAULT_* because
    DEFAULT_PALETTE was conflicting with another macro in Windows API!
    - Also I removed the DATADIR macro set under app/config/ because it is
    also conflicting and anyway we use it in no files on this level.
    - This is not perfectly tested on Windows. Please everyone with Windows
    access, could you build and test if it works fine before release?