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  • EST 1998 Matthew Wilson's avatar
    app/gimage.c app/tools.c Added a field in the Tools struct, preserve. · 7dcd8e85
    EST 1998 Matthew Wilson authored
    Tue Mar 31 02:21:15 EST 1998 Matthew Wilson <>
    	* app/gimage.c
    	* app/tools.c
    	* app/tools.h: Added a field in the Tools struct, preserve.
    	During gimage_dirty, if this flag is not set the tool will be
    	reset.  This is good for tools that keep a copy of the image
    	in cache for local manipulation like transform_core.
    	* app/bezier_select.c
    	* app/blend.c
    	* app/brightness_contrast.c
    	* app/bucket_fill.c
    	* app/color_balance.c
    	* app/color_picker.c
    	* app/crop.c
    	* app/curves.c
    	* app/ellipse_select.c
    	* app/free_select.c
    	* app/histogram_tool.c
    	* app/hue_saturation.c
    	* app/levels.c
    	* app/move.c
    	* app/paint_core.c
    	* app/posterize.c
    	* app/rect_select.c
    	* app/text_tool.c
    	* app/transform_core.c: Set the preserve flag to the correct
    	values in the new functions and wrapped calls to functions that
    	dirty the gimage to prevent tool restarts.
    	* app/disp_callbacks.c
    	* app/menus.c: Removed Nether's tool patch.
    --phew.  Matt
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