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  • Manish Singh's avatar
    app/channel.h app/gimpimage.h app/gimpimageP.h app/layer.h app/undo.[ch] · 7d62a34e
    Manish Singh authored
    * app/channel.h
    * app/gimpimage.h
    * app/gimpimageP.h
    * app/layer.h
    * app/undo.[ch]
    * app/undo_types.h: use proper naming convention for undo enums,
    and hide them from the pdbgen stuff
    * app/procedural_db.h: don't skip PDB_END
    * app/undo_history.c: remove gccism from undo_history_append_special
    * libgimp/gimpintl.h: INIT_LOCALE should be defined in all cases
    * plug-ins/script-fu/ add script-fu-constants.[ch]
    * plug-ins/script-fu/script-fu.c: use init_generated_constants
    * plug-ins/script-fu/siod.h: #include <stdio.h> for FILE *
    * tools/pdbgen/ new file
    * tools/pdbgen/ add rule for constant script-fu gen
    * tools/pdbgen/ add enum skip feature
    * tools/pdbgen/ use nicks for gimpenums.h
    * tools/pdbgen/pdb/procedural_db.pdb: ignore PDB_END
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