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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    register the button icons with GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON, but set them as · d128e989
    Michael Natterer authored
    2001-08-05  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* libgimpwidgets/gimpstock.[ch]: register the button icons with
    	GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON, but set them as scalable fallbacks for
    	themselves so they get scaled for menus.
    	* app/gui/menus.c: set stock icons for much more menu entries.
    	* app/widgets/gimpwidgets-utils.[ch]: new utility function
    	* app/disp_callbacks.[ch]
    	* app/gui/brushes-commands.c
    	* app/gui/channels-commands.c
    	* app/gui/gradients-commands.c
    	* app/gui/layers-commands.c
    	* app/gui/palettes-commands.c
    	* app/gui/paths-dialog.c
    	* app/gui/patterns-commands.c: use the new function.
    	* app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c
    	* app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c
    	* app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c
    	* app/tools/gimplevelstool.c
    	* app/tools/gimpposterizetool.c: s/_("Reset")/GIMP_STOCK_RESET/
    	* app/widgets/gimpcontainereditor.[ch]
    	* app/widgets/gimpcontainerview.[ch]: moved the button_box utility