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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    emit "update" signals from the drawable before and after setting tiles and · 59b77c35
    Michael Natterer authored
    2004-03-15  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* app/core/gimpdrawable.c (gimp_drawable_set_tiles_full): emit
    	"update" signals from the drawable before and after setting tiles
    	and offsets.
    	* app/core/gimpdrawable-offset.c (gimp_drawable_offset)
    	* app/core/gimpdrawable-transform.c (gimp_drawable_transform_paste)
    	* app/core/gimpimage-undo-push.c (undo_pop_layer_mod, _channel_mod)
    	* app/text/gimptextlayer.c (gimp_text_layer_render)
    	* app/tools/gimptransformtool.c (gimp_transform_tool_doit):
    	removed calls to gimp_drawable_update().
    	* app/core/gimpdrawable-offset.c (gimp_drawable_offset): don't
    	push an undo step before calling gimp_drawable_set_tiles()
    	but simply pass push_undo == TRUE and the undo_desc.
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