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  • Ell's avatar
    Bug 784802 - Crop and rectangle-select tools incorrectly detect ... · 547d3149
    Ell authored
    ... current aspect ratio
    When starting the rectangle-select (and ellipse-select) tools,
    properly reset their default aspect ratio to 1:1.  This fixes an
    issue where the tool would use the aspect ratio of the last
    rectangle when there's no user-overriden aspect ratio specified.
    This restores the 2.8 behavior, except for the fact that the aspect
    ratio resets to 1:1 when the tool is commited (if there's no user-
    overriden ratio), rather than keeping the aspect ratio of the last
    rectangle (i.e. "Current"); in 2.8 this only happend when halting.
    The current behavior seems more consistent anyway.