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  • Martin Nordholts's avatar
    app: Make GimpDock a GtkVBox · 4f7693ac
    Martin Nordholts authored
    Make GimpDock be a GtkVBox instead of a GimpDockWindow. This means we
    can now put a GimpDock anywhere, including inside an image window.
    In order to do this we need to:
     * Separate dock and dock window creation in the dialog factory and
       add a couple of new dock window constructors
     * Change gimp_dialog_factory_dock_new() to not only create a dock,
       but also create a dock window and then combine those two
     * Change the dock constructor to take a GimpUIManager since they
       depend on that during their construction. We get the ui manager
       from the dock window, but we can't create the dock *inside* the
       dock window, we have to add the dock later. So we create the dock
       window first and then pass its ui manager to the dock constructors
     * Make some other minor adaptions, mostly with
       gimp_dock_window_from_dock() and gimp_dock_window_get_dock()