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  • Jehan's avatar
    app: rename and merge the spline and segment length properties... · 503775a5
    Jehan authored
    ... in GimpBucketFillOptions for the line art algorithm.
    Inside GimpLineArt, there are still 2 properties, but we don't show them
    anymore in the Bucket Fill tool options. One of the main reason is
    probably that it's hard to differentiate their usage. One is to close
    with curved lines, the other with straight segments. Yet we don't
    actually have any control on one or the other. All one knows is that you
    can have "holes" in your drawing of a given size and you want them
    close-like for filling. Only reason I can see to have 2 types of closure
    is whether you'd want to totally disable one type of closure (then you
    set it to 0). But this is a very limited reason for making the options
    less understandable overall, IMO.
    So for the time being, let's show up only a single option which sets
    both properties in GimpLineArt. As patdavid says "it makes sense as a
    first pass".
    Also rename the option to shorter/simpler "Maximum gap length". Thanks
    to patdavid and pippin for helping on figuring out this better label!
    Finally I am bumping the default for the gaps to 100px. The original
    values were ok for the basic small images used in demos, but not for
    real life image where it was always too short (even 100px may still be
    too short actually, but much better than the 20 and 60px from before!).