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  • Ell's avatar
    app, pdb: prevent custom gradient from being renamed · bccef430
    Ell authored
    Make internal data objects non-renamable, even if they're writable,
    through gimp_data_is_name_editable().  Currently, the only such
    object is the custom gradient.
    Prevent changing the name of non-renamable data by making the name
    entry of GimpDataEditor non-editable whenever
    gimp_viewable_is_name_editable() is FALSE, even if the data is
    otherwise editable.
    Prevent the vairous PDB -rename() functions from renaming non-
    renamable data, by adding a GimpPDBDataAccess flags type,
    specifying the desired access mode for the data -- any combination
    of READ, WRITE, and RENAME -- and replacing the 'writable'
    parameter of the gimp_pdb_get_foo() functions with an 'access'
    parameter.  Change the various .pdb files to use READ where they'd
    used FALSE, and WRITE where they'd used TRUE; use RENAME, isntead
    of WRITE, in the -rename() functions.