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  • Sven Neumann's avatar
    libgimp/gimpcolorbutton.c libgimp/gimpcolorbutton.h added dnd and a popup · 148ef7b2
    Sven Neumann authored
            * libgimp/gimpcolorbutton.c
            * libgimp/gimpcolorbutton.h
            * po/ added dnd and a popup window on right-click that
            allows to load the current fg and bg colors.
            * po-plug-ins/
            * plug-ins/common/
            * plug-ins/common/colortoalpha.c
            * plug-ins/common/
            * plug-ins/script-fu/script-fu-scripts.c: made script-fu and the new
            colortoalpha plug-in use gimp_color_button
            * plug-ins/common/rotate.c: add " degrees" to the menu entries