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  • Jehan's avatar
    app: brute force the session memorized size when showing a window. · 8dbd10b3
    Jehan authored
    The main window height was always bigger than my screen height on
    startup, overriding my previous session's window size.
    I could retrace the memorized size being changed when adding the display
    shell with gimp_image_window_add_shell() in gimp_display_new(), just
    before showing the window. Unfortunately this happens after we applied
    the session position/size (in gimp_image_window_session_update() at end
    of image window construction). I'm not sure why adding the shell
    increases the size of the window, especially since the window can be
    manually sized at the expected dimension without any graphical glitch.
    Maybe we could investigate this, but simply forcing any session managed
    window to behave as expected upon showing is not a bad move anyway and
    in this specific case, it works fine.