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  • Ell's avatar
    app, libgimp: communicate dark-theme preference to plug-ins through theme.css · 8c96c3d1
    Ell authored
    The GUI implementation of gimp_wait() relies on the ability to run
    plug-ins (namely, the busy-dialog plug-in) without entering the
    main loop.  This prohibits the said plug-ins from making any PDB
    calls, which would result in a deadlock.  However, we're currently
    calling gimp_gimprc_query() to fetch the prefer-dark-theme option
    during gimp_ui_init() (or any time the theme.css file changes).
    Instead, communicate this preference through the theme.css file
    itself, by writing a /* prefer-dark-theme */ comment to the file
    when the option is set.  Yes, it's a bit of a hack :P