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gimptexttool.c: hack to work around issue #9154

Idriss Fekir requested to merge user062/gimp:resize_after_size_change_bug into master

This fixes issue #9154

When changing the font size then immediately resizing (bug 1), or when selecting the font size box then changing the size unit through scrolling then immediately resizing (bug 2), the text tool goes idle and resizing becomes as if creating a new rectangle.

I believe that the bug most probably lies in gtk (especially because of bug 2), so this is a hack to work around it.


bug 1

bug 2

I did not follow the line limit rule in the coding style because that would require using a variable or a switch statement both of which i feel unnecessary, but i may be wrong.

This is my first attempt to contribute to gimp, criticism is very much appreciated.

Edited by Idriss Fekir

Merge request reports