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Port GFig plug-in to GAction/GMenuModel

Alx Sa requested to merge alxsa-gfig-gaction-port into master

This patch attempts to port the GFig plug-in to use GAction instead of GtkAction. The main files edited are gfig.c and gfig-dialog.c. However, the sensitivity of the "undo" menu option is changed by pretty much every file in the plug-in, so they all had to be edited to be aware of gfig->app.

The code seems to work fine, but as there are a lot of options I want to fully test before removing the Draft tag. I will post an update once I'm confident there are no (new) bugs.

@Jehan Hi! I noticed that the plug-in crashes when I try to do anything to objects (e.g. move them, select them, go to the previous one, etc). This seems to predate my changes though - using the current master code produces the same results. Just to check, do you see the same issue when you run the current master code? Thank you!

Edited by Alx Sa

Merge request reports