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Issue #10868: Fix Foggify color property

Alx Sa requested to merge alxsa-foggify-gegl-color into master

This patch attempts to resolve #10868 (closed).

After the color space invasion, Gimp.RGB properties no longer create a widget in Python plug-ins. Per #10868 (comment 2016805), we can't create custom properties in pygobject, which poses a problem.

This patch attempts to resolve it by implementing a similar workaround as was used for Gimp.RGB - adding GeglColor as a value type for a general GObject. Relevant libgimp and libgimpconfig parameters were added to recognize the change. The Foggify plug-in is also updated with the new GeglColor datatype.

@Jehan Hi! When you have time, is this what you wanted implemented in #10868 (comment 2016805)?

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