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Issue #9647: Fix layers entries inconsistency

Bruno requested to merge brunolopesdsilv/gimp-fix:layer_order into master

As described in #9647 (closed) , the layer related entries have a different order, even though they are the same entries, apparently without a fair reason.

This MR fixes this clear UX issue by taking the menu derived from the menu bar as a paradigm (First I was unsure which paradigm to take, but commit 9ad5049d clarified things quite a bit).

BEFORE (unpredictable order -> bad learning curve) AFTER (same/linear order -> very easy learning curve)
Captura_de_Tela__33_ Untitled

After the merge, the user will be able to quickly use the learned entries order in all layer menus, which is much simpler.

More details in the commits message.

Edited by Bruno

Merge request reports