GIMP 2.99.19 MSIX blocks access to writing on GEGL Plugins folder at WindowsApps dir
- GIMP version:GIMP 2.99.19
- Package: MSIX Bundle
- Operating System: Windows 11
Description of the bug
I'm having trouble accessing the gegl-0.4 folder after installing GIMP through the MSIX bundle on Windows. Specifically, the folder located at C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\GIMP_2.99.19.0_x64__nq49gba4h4mx8\VFS\ProgramFilesX64\GIMP 2.99\lib\gegl-0.4 is inaccessible, and I'm unable to add or remove files from it.
The gegl-0.4 folder is a directory where custom GEGL filters and plugins are typically installed or placed. However, due to the blocked access, I'm unable to install new Gegl plugin.
Is the bug reproducible?
Reproduction steps:
- Install GIMP through the MSIX bundle on Windows.
- Attempt to access the gegl-0.4 folder located at C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\GIMP_2.99.19.0_x64__nq49gba4h4mx8\VFS\ProgramFilesX64\GIMP 2.99\lib\gegl-0.4.
- Try to add or remove files from the folder.
Expected result: The gegl-0.4 folder should be accessible, allowing users to add or remove custom GEGL filters and plugins.
Actual result: It requires permission to add or remove anything inside the gegl-0.4 folder.
Additional information
If you have a backtrace for a crash or a warning, paste it here.