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  • Jehan's avatar
    app, libgimp*, pdb: new "format" type in the PDB. · aa31d22e
    Jehan authored
    We have a bunch of special-casing format passing through the PDB, but
    either we were only passing the encoding, or else we were reconstructing
    the full format through private intermediate functions. In the
    space-invasion world, this is not right. Let's have a proper "format"
    type for PDB which does all the relevant data-passing for us, once and
    for all!
    Note that I am creating a wrapper boxed type GimpBablFormat whose only
    goal is to have recognizable GValue since Babl types don't have GType-s.
    Moreover I'm not using the GeglParamSpecFormat either, because it just
    uses pointers which again are a bit annoying in our various PDB code.
    Having a simple boxed arg is better.