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  • Jehan's avatar
    Issue #10745: move the "item set" icon above layer list. · 25145b96
    Jehan authored
    - The icon itself was changed to a "search" icon. Though it kinda made sense to
      keep the "link" reference when I first implemented this, as a reference to how
      we used to link items (whereas now we select them together), in the grand
      scheme of things, it's not such a good idea and many won't likely understand.
      But everyone will understand a "search" button. :-)
    - It's now next to the label displaying the number of selected items, in the
      item tree view header. This makes much more sense there. Also it makes the
      long list of bottom buttons slighly shorter.
    - Finally I make this feature accessible to the channels and paths, by actually
      moving it out of GimpLayerTreeView and into GimpItemTreeView.