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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    tools/pdbgen/pdb/channel.pdb removed gimp_layer_delete() and · f2e227e2
    Michael Natterer authored
    2003-12-03  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* tools/pdbgen/pdb/channel.pdb
    	* tools/pdbgen/pdb/layer.pdb: removed gimp_layer_delete() and
    	gimp_channel_delete() PDB wrappers...
    	* tools/pdbgen/pdb/drawable.pdb: ...added gimp_drawable_delete().
    	* libgimp/gimpdrawable.[ch]: removed gimp_drawable_delete()
    	(having this function work on the GimpDrawable wrapper and not on
    	the drawable_id was more than questionable anyway).
    	* libgimp/gimpcompat.h: added gimp_layer_delete and
    	gimp_channel_delete cruft #defines.
    	* app/pdb/channel_cmds.c
    	* app/pdb/drawable_cmds.c
    	* app/pdb/internal_procs.c
    	* app/pdb/layer_cmds.c
    	* libgimp/gimpchannel_pdb.[ch]
    	* libgimp/gimpdrawable_pdb.[ch]
    	* libgimp/gimplayer_pdb.[ch]: regenerated.
    	* plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/add-bevel.scm
    	* plug-ins/xjt/xjt.c: changed accordingly.
    	* plug-ins/imagemap/imap_main.c: just removed the call to
    	gimp_channel_delete(), it was wrong anyway.
    2003-12-03  Michael Natter...