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  • David Odin's avatar
    plug-ins/gfig/gfig-rectangle.[ch] news files to implement a rectangle tool · ed4dbde1
    David Odin authored
    * plug-ins/gfig/gfig-rectangle.[ch]
    * plug-ins/gfig/images/stock-rectangle.png: news files to implement a
      rectangle tool to gfig.
    * plug-ins/gfig/gfig-stock.c
    * plug-ins/gfig/gfig-stock.h
    * plug-ins/gfig/ modified accordingly.
    * plug-ins/gfig/gfig-circle.c
    * plug-ins/gfig/gfig-dialog.c
    * plug-ins/gfig/gfig-dobject.c
    * plug-ins/gfig/gfig-ellipse.c
    * plug-ins/gfig/gfig-poly.c
    * plug-ins/gfig/gfig-star.c
    * plug-ins/gfig/gfig-types.h
    * plug-ins/gfig/gfig.c
    * plug-ins/gfig/gfig.h: modified to support the new shape and
      implement two new filling types: vertical and horizontal gradients.
      These gradients are imho much more useful than the shapeburst one.
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