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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    app/blend.c app/brightness_contrast.c app/color_balance.c · ebd97882
    Michael Natterer authored
    2000-02-01  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* app/blend.c
    	* app/brightness_contrast.c
    	* app/color_balance.c
    	* app/color_picker.c
    	* app/crop.c
    	* app/curves.c
    	* app/flip_tool.c
    	* app/histogram_tool.c
    	* app/hue_saturation.c
    	* app/levels.c
    	* app/magnify.c
    	* app/measure.c
    	* app/move.c
    	* app/path_tool.c
    	* app/posterize.c
    	* app/text_tool.c
    	* app/threshold.c
    	* app/tool_options.c
    	* app/transform_tool.c: unify the usage of "Selection" and
    	"<blah> Tool" and removed the word "Options" from all tool option
    	title strings because the dialog title already says "Options".
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