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  • Dave Neary's avatar
    libgimpwidgets/gimpwidgets.c libgimpwidgets/gimpwidgets.h · da5b08e8
    Dave Neary authored
    2002-11-24  Dave Neary  <>
            * libgimpwidgets/gimpwidgets.c
            * libgimpwidgets/gimpwidgets.h
            * plug-ins/common/blur.c
            * plug-ins/common/plasma.c
            * plug-ins/common/randomize.c
            * plug-ins/common/sinus.c
            * plug-ins/common/snoise.c
            * plug-ins/gflare/gflare.c
            * plug-ins/maze/algorithms.c
            * plug-ins/maze/maze.c
            * plug-ins/maze/maze.h
            * plug-ins/maze/maze_face.c: Changed the gimp random seed
            widget's behaviour and made associated changes in
            plug-ins that use it.
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