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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    added boolean "sample-merged" property, API and GUI. Pick from the active · d928e769
    Michael Natterer authored
    2005-07-09  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* app/widgets/gimpcursorview.[ch]: added boolean "sample-merged"
    	property, API and GUI. Pick from the active drawable if it's
    	* app/actions/
    	* app/actions/actions.c
    	* app/actions/cursor-info-actions.[ch]
    	* app/actions/cursor-info-commands.[ch]: new files with actions
    	and callbacks for the cursor info dialog's menu.
    	* app/widgets/gimphelp-ids.h: help IDs for above actions.
    	* app/actions/dialogs-actions.c
    	* app/dialogs/dialogs.c: follow help ID change.
    	* app/menus/menus.c
    	* menus/
    	* menus/cursor-info-menu.xml: add the cursor-info menu.
    	* app/dialogs/dialogs-constructors.c: pass the menu factory to
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