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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    app/brightness_contrast.c app/by_color_select.c app/curves.c · d5d99e5c
    Michael Natterer authored
    1999-06-23  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* app/brightness_contrast.c
    	* app/by_color_select.c
    	* app/curves.c
    	* app/disp_callbacks.c
    	* app/histogram_tool.c
    	* app/hue_saturation.c
    	* app/levels.c
    	* app/posterize.c
    	* app/threshold.c:
    	Factored out the cleaning up code to the tool dialog's "cancel"
    	callbacks because they are called from every function which is
    	aborting the tool. This should fix the remaining segfaults.
    	I probably killed a feature of "Levels". The tool wanted to
    	preserve it's drawable all the time, so it was possible to select
    	colors from other displays. If this was the intended behaviour,
    	please flame me and I will try to set the "preserve" flag
    	* plug-ins/common/ "struc" was in the Makefile but not
    	in the directory.
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