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  • Helvetix Victorinox's avatar
    regenerated new code taking advantage of simplified function prototypes. · d3fc41f0
    Helvetix Victorinox authored
    * app/composite/gimp-composite-dispatch.[ch]: regenerated new code
    taking advantage of simplified function prototypes.
    * app/composite/gimp-composite-test.c: New regression testing
    driver.  This file is automatically generated, but it's included
    in the cvs tree for expediency.
    * app/composite/ hopeful checks for which OS is currently
    running as a hint to what nm(1) is available.
    * app/composite/gimp-composite-mmx.[ch]
    * app/composite/gimp-composite-sse.[ch]
    * app/composite/gimp-composite-generic.[ch]: function prototype
    * app/composite/ generates code to
    test compositing functions.
    * app/composite/gimp-composite-regression.[ch]: support for
    automatically testing compositing functions.