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  • Manish Singh's avatar
    use memcpy instead of casted assignment for storing HSV values in · d3c82f39
    Manish Singh authored
    2004-01-26  Manish Singh  <>
            * app/core/gimpdrawable-blend.c (gradient_fill_region): use memcpy
            instead of casted assignment for storing HSV values in rbd.fg/bg,
            for C99 aliasing compliance.
            * app/xcf/xcf-load.c (xcf_load_layer_mask): use a GimpChannel *
            explictly for xcf_load_channel_props, for the above reason.
            * app/xcf/xcf-save.c (xcf_save_prop): use a temporary guint32 for
            saving property types, for the above reason.
            * app/core/gimpparasitelist.c (gimp_parasite_list_deserialize): plug
            a memory leak, since data is copied on parasite creation.