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  • BST 1998  Adam D. Moss's avatar
    Moved the idlerender stuff into gdisplay.c. Implemented idlerender when · d1d3697c
    BST 1998 Adam D. Moss authored
    Sat Sep 26 20:46:18 BST 1998  Adam D. Moss <>
    	* app/channel.c app/channel_ops.c app/drawable.c
    	app/floating_sel.c app/gdisplay.c app/gdisplay.h
    	app/gimpimage.c app/layers_dialog.c app/undo.c:
    	Moved the idlerender stuff into gdisplay.c.  Implemented
    	idlerender when doing floating_sel->layer, and undoing/redoing
    	layer deletion.
    	idlerender would be useful in many other places for improving
    	interactivity, if it weren't for the following problems:
    		* By definition, idlerender doesn't wait for a
    		gdisplays_update() call	before starting work - it just
    		runs in idle time, which due to CPU contention with
    		plugins may not	be genuinely available idle time when
    		things are 'noninteractive'.
    		* Most GIMP functions don't know whether they're
    		being run interactively or not.  idlerender only
    		makes sense for interactive work.  This is why
    		it is currently only applied to those functions which
    		would normally only be activated manually.
    		* Mixing idlerender and drawable_update() /
    		gdisplays_update_area() calls can lead to a region
    		being rerendered twice.
    	Hence, some slogwork is needed before idlerender can be
    	applied in the more general case.
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