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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    removed more GUI initialisation code. · d010bb5f
    Michael Natterer authored
    2001-05-01  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* app/app_procs.c: removed more GUI initialisation code.
    	* app/color_transfer.c: removed useless includes.
    	* app/gui/brush-editor.[ch]
    	* app/gui/dialogs-constructors.c:
    	s/BrushEditGeneratedWindow/BrushEditor/, s/begw/brush_editor/, made
    	the brush preview of the editor autoresizing.
    	* app/gui/dialogs.h: removed "extern" declaration of non-existant
    	* app/gui/gui.[ch]: new function gui_post_init() which shows the
    	tips dialog.
    	* app/gui/tips-dialog.c: made signal handling nicer (clean up in a
    	"destroy" handler).
    	* app/gui/toolbox.[ch]: removed toolbox_raise(), removed the help
    	system (de)initialisation code which is now in gui.c, cleanup.
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