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  • Manish Singh's avatar
    new file, containes the PDB stuff for most of the tools · ccac10a4
    Manish Singh authored
    * app/tools_cmds.c: new file, containes the PDB stuff for most
    of the tools
    * app/gimprc_cmds.c: new file, PDB interface stuff for gimprc
    * app/ added tools_cmds.c and gimprc_cmds.c
    * app/airbrush.[ch]
    * app/blend.[ch]
    * app/bucket_fill.[ch]
    * app/by_color_select.[ch]
    * app/clone.[ch]
    * app/color_picker.[ch]
    * app/convolve.[ch]
    * app/crop.[ch]
    * app/ellipse_select.[ch]
    * app/eraser.[ch]
    * app/flip_tool.[ch]
    * app/free_select.[ch]
    * app/fuzzy_select.[ch]
    * app/gimprc.[ch]
    * app/paintbrush.[ch]
    * app/pencil.[ch]
    * app/perspective_tool.[ch]
    * app/rect_select.c app/rect_select.h
    * app/rotate_tool.[ch]
    * app/scale_tool.[ch]
    * app/shear_tool.[ch]: bye bye PDB stuff (exported necessary enums
    functions, vars, etc.)
    * app/internal_procs.c: use register_foo functions
    * app/blend.[ch]: GradientType enum case changed
    * app/bucket_fill.[ch]: s/FillMode/BucketFillMode/, made the enum
    more consistent
    * app/clone.[ch]: capitalized the CloneType enum
    * app/color_picker.[ch]: changed get_color to pick_color so we don't
    conflict with colormaps.c get_color
    * app/convolve.[ch]: capitalized the ConvolveType enum
    * app/paint_core.h: made a GradientPaintMode enum
    * app/transform_core.h: BoundingBox enum
    * app/scale_tool.c: use the generic bounding box enum for X1, Y1, etc.
    * app/shear_tool.[ch]: turned HORZ and VERT into a ShearType enum
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