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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    app/apptypes.h app/brush_edit.c app/brush_select.c app/brushes_cmds.c · cac3f7cb
    Michael Natterer authored
    2001-01-14  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* app/apptypes.h
    	* app/brush_edit.c
    	* app/brush_select.c
    	* app/brushes_cmds.c
    	* app/channel.h
    	* app/colormap_dialog.c
    	* app/datafiles.[ch]
    	* app/devices.c
    	* app/docindex.c
    	* app/fileops.c
    	* app/gdisplay.c
    	* app/gimage.c
    	* app/gimpbrush.[ch]
    	* app/gimpbrushgenerated.[ch]
    	* app/gimpbrushlist.[ch]
    	* app/gimpbrushpipe.[ch]
    	* app/gimpcontext.[ch]
    	* app/gimpcontextpreview.c
    	* app/gimpdnd.c
    	* app/gimpdrawable.h
    	* app/gimpimage.[ch]
    	* app/gimplist.h
    	* app/gimpobject.h
    	* app/gimpset.[ch]
    	* app/gradient.c
    	* app/info_window.c
    	* app/layer.[ch]
    	* app/module_db.c
    	* app/palette.[ch]
    	* app/patterns.[ch]
    	* app/plug_in.[ch]
    	* app/undo_history.c
    	* app/xcf.c
    	* tools/pdbgen/pdb/brushes.pdb
    	- Removed the "name" argument from all objects and use
    	  GimpObject's name.
    	- Use the same code in all "uniquefy name" functions (this
    	  functionality will be a method of the "GimpContainer" class).
    	- Renamed the parent instances of all objects to "parent instance".
    	- Added missing instance and class cast macros.
    	- Changed some "gchar *" to "const gchar *" parameters.
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