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  • Sven Neumann's avatar
    app/gui/ added font selection GUI to be used through the PDB. · c7281b52
    Sven Neumann authored
    2003-03-28  Sven Neumann  <>
    	* app/gui/
    	* app/gui/font-select.[ch]: added font selection GUI to be used
    	through the PDB.
    	* app/gui/brush-select.c
    	* app/gui/gradient-select.c
    	* app/gui/palette-select.c
    	* app/gui/pattern-select.c: unified preview and dialog sizes.
    	* tools/pdbgen/
    	* tools/pdbgen/pdb/font_select.pdb: added new file that provides
    	PDB accessors to the font selection GUI.
    	* app/pdb/font_select_cmds.c
    	* app/pdb/internal_procs.c
    	* libgimp/gimp_pdb.h
    	* libgimp/gimpfontselect_pdb.[ch]
    	* tools/pdbgen/ regenerated.
    	* libgimp/
    	* libgimp/gimpfontmenu.c
    	* libgimp/gimpmenu.[ch]: added a simple font selection widget to
    	be used by plug-ins and scripts.
    	* plug-ins/script-fu/script-fu-scripts.c: use the new font
    	selection widget. Fixes bug #105610.
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